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Breadth First Search (BFS)

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Breadth First Search (BFS)


BFS is a graph traversal algorithm that explores all vertices at the present depth before moving on to vertices at the next depth level.

How BFS Works

Breadth First Search works like exploring a maze level by level:

  1. Start at a chosen vertex
  2. Visit all its neighbors
  3. Then visit all neighbors of those neighbors
  4. Continue this pattern until all reachable vertices are visited

Key Characteristics

  • Uses a queue data structure
  • Time Complexity: O(V + E) where V is vertices and E is edges
  • Space Complexity: O(V)
  • Guarantees shortest path in unweighted graphs
  • Explores nodes level by level

Common Applications

  • Finding shortest path in unweighted graphs
  • Social networking (finding people within N connections)
  • Web crawlers
  • GPS Navigation systems
  • Broadcasting in network